Monday, August 19, 2013

Things Commonly Mistaken For UFO's

This post is really just a companion to this post. Plus, this is useful information for anyone who believes they have spotted a UFO.
Lightning: or lightning sprites.
 Lightning sprites are flashes high in the atmosphere triggered by thunder storms. They can take the form of fast moving balls of electricity, streaks, or tendrils.

Missile Tests: 

This is footage of a Russian missile test as seen from Syria.

Cloud Formations: 
Clouds can do some crazy things. One of the coolest looking is the hole punch cloud. It is also one of the formations commonly mistaken for UFO's.

This UFO was spotted over Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia and was the source of much speculation. In the end, it was just Project Loon, Google's attempt to bring low-cost internet to rural areas using high altitude balloons.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. This is just something to remind you to keep your wits about you when you think you may have spotted something. A lot of things can be explained by regular means, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep watching. It just means you should ask a lot of questions.


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