Saturday, August 24, 2013

Man Revives After 45 Minutes With No Heartbeat

On August 5, Melissa Yahle woke up to realize that her husband, Anthony, wasn't breathing right. She and her son, Lawrence, performed CPR until the paramedics arrived, where first responders used a defibrillator before rushing him to Kettering Medical Center.

 Cardiologist, Raja Nazir, said he discovered Anthony Yahle's arteries were clear and things looked good until the man coded. After 45 minutes of treating him with every medicine they could, he was declared dead.

Lawrence, upon hearing of his father's death, ran to his body and said "Dad, you're not going to die today."
Shortly after that, Nazir noticed that Anthony had a heartbeat again, but only once or twice a minute. Nazir tried again to revive Anthony and was successful.

As of August 10, five days later, Yahle was resting at home with no need of a heart transplant. He has no memory of the incident, saying "I went to bed … woke up five days later in the hospital.”

The cause of the medical emergency was not reported.

Full story here.

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