Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Promo 1 of The Big Three Promos... UFO's

Hey guys. While I've been tirelessly working on getting the podcast up and running (with only minimal xbox breaks), I recorded this promo. The plan is to create three promos, one for each of (what I call) The Big Three.

Promo 1 is UFO's and ET's.
Promo 2 will deal with ghosts and hauntings.
Promo 3 will deal with cryptids.

I know that 'paranormal' means so much more than what these promos will cover, and I promise I'll cover the whole spectrum, but these are just (I hope) attention grabbers.

I'm sending out emails for interviews and trying to track down a possible special guest.
I'm also still accepting submissions as well. If you have an experience to share, or even questions or suggestions, you can find the correct link on the left side of the page.

You'll find a flash player below along with a link to the mp3. Please share this promo and help get the word out.

Thanks for listening

Download the mp3

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