Friday, August 16, 2013

CIA Acknowledges The Existence Of Area 51

We all knew it was there. They knew that we knew it was there. We knew that they knew....... You get the point.

It seems that after years of ignoring the area 90 miles north of Las Vegas, the government still isn't really talking about it, but they aren't pretending it doesn't exist anymore. I think that may be a step in the right direction.
George Washington University's Nation Security Archive obtained a CIA history of the U-2 spy plane program through public records request.

In 2002 when Jeffrey Richelson, National Security Archive senior fellow, reviewed the history all mention of Area 51 had been removed. He requested another copy in 2005, when he received it a few weeks ago the references had been restored.

The report details how the site was spotted and later appropriated by the government and approved by president Eisenhower for the purpose of testing U-2 spy planes.

While they aren't denying the existence anymore, there is still no word on what actually goes on inside. At least, not from the government.

Get the full story here.

What do you think? Is this a step in the right direction?


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