Saturday, August 10, 2013

Angel Priest Helps Car Crash Victim...

Do you believe in angels? A Missouri woman and the rescue workers that struggled to save her life do after a priest appeared out of nowhere and prayed with them.
The rest of the story and a video after the jump..

The big story this week has been the miraculous (weird) rescue of a Missouri woman from a car crash.
Katie Lentz, 19, was struck head on by an oncoming car that had crossed the center line. The rescue crew spent 45 minutes trying to free Lentz from the wreckage, but the strong metal of Lentz's older car had dulled the equipment.

It was when they were losing hope that Lentz asked the crew to pray out loud with her. That is when a Catholic priest arrived, seemingly from nowhere, with anointing oil and led the prayer. New London Fire Chief Raymond Reed described a sense of calm falling over the scene. He then said that he heard someone (though he can't say who for sure) say that they should all remain calm, and that their tools would now work and Lentz would be rescued.

Another fire department showed up after the prayer with fresh tools, and Lentz was successfully cut from her car. After loading Lentz into an Air Evac Chopper, the crew of at least a dozen turned the thank the priest who was now gone.

The road had been blocked for a quarter mile in each direction, making it difficult to just walk onto the scene, and no one reports seeing the priest before or after his involvement with the rescue. He still remains unidentified, but in a description given here  he resembles deceased actor Walter Matthau.

Katie Lentz has since undergone surgeries to repair multiple broken bones, and has more surgeries scheduled for the following weeks. She has asked that everyone 'pray out loud'.

The driver who struck Lentz, 26 year old Aaron Smith, has been charged with a DWI, second degree assault and failure to drive on the right half of the roadway.

Original story here.

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