Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Interesting Person: Andrew D. Basiago

I was listening to Coast to Coast AM, like I'm known to do, and they had a guest by the name of Andrew Basiago. He was speaking about life on Mars, not uncommon for C2C, but when he said that he knew there was life because he had been there.... Obviously, I settled in for a good listen.

In the late 1960's and early 1970's, Andrew was a child participant in Project Pegasus, a US time-space exploration program. He claims that when he was 7 years old, he time traveled with 140 children and 60 adults known as chrononauts. He claims to have visited Ford Theater on the night that Lincoln was killed. He also claims to have been at Gettysburg for the famous Gettysburg address. "I was dressed as a Union bugle boy," he says.
Basiago at Gettysburg

 In the early 1980's he joined the CIA's Mars "Jump Room" program, where he made numerous trips to Mars via teleportation. He claims that there are two intelligent species on Mars, one that is native, and one that may have come from Earth when the first civilization fell. In case you were wondering, he says that we are the second civilization.

There are 4 other people that claim to have been involved with the "jump room" project. Michael C. Relfe,  Arthur Neumann, William B. Stillings, and Bernard Mendez. In addition, Barack Obama and Mary Jean Eisenhower have been identified as former "jumpers". Neither have publicly come forward.

Near the end of the interview, just before they started taking calls, Andrew Basiago announced that he will seek the 2016 US presidency. While his platform of exposing the existence of time travel and teleportation technology is something I could get behind, he didn't actually cover any political topics. 

No matter what he does in 2016, Andrew Basiago is an interesting person with a pretty good story.


It has been brought to my attention that while both Mr. Basiago and Mr. Neumann both claim to have been part of a government program to teleport to Mars, Mr. Neumann states that he is in no way associated with Mr. Basiago.

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