Monday, August 19, 2013

Mysterious UFO Over Kentucky Identified

On October 16, 2012, a UFO was spotted in the skies over Pike County, Ky. Allen Epling, amateur astronomer, described it as looking "like two fluorescent bulbs, side by side, parallel, shining very brightly."

"It would get so bright they would seem to merge, and you could see it very clearly with the naked eye," Epling said. "Then, it would dim down almost invisible ... It wasn't anything I recognized. Definitely not an airplane, and I've never seen a helicopter that looked like that."

Epling wasn't the only one to see it. People in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia all reported seeing the object. Calls were made to local airports, but no one could give an explanation.
The object was estimated to have reached a height of 60,000 feet, and remained stationary for hours. Of course, ET's were suspected, but the real explanation was much more terrestrial yet still very cool.

As it turns out, the object seen in the sky was part of Project Loon, Google's attempt to bring internet to large parts of the world that remain unconnected, by using solar powered, high pressure balloons.

The balloons will travel "on the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, help fill coverage gaps and bring people back online after disasters," according to the project's website.
  "People connect to the balloon network using a special Internet antenna attached to their building. The signal bounces from balloon to balloon, then to the global Internet back on Earth,"

So it wasn't visitors from another planet, but it was an attempt to bring low-cost internet to the world, and that's cool too.

Full story here.

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