Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Man Claims To Be 160 Years Old

The average life expectancy in Ethiopia is around 60 years old. Dhaqabo Ebba certainly looks about 60 but, if he is to be believed, he is closer to 160.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Interesting Person: Andrew D. Basiago

I was listening to Coast to Coast AM, like I'm known to do, and they had a guest by the name of Andrew Basiago. He was speaking about life on Mars, not uncommon for C2C, but when he said that he knew there was life because he had been there.... Obviously, I settled in for a good listen.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Man Revives After 45 Minutes With No Heartbeat

On August 5, Melissa Yahle woke up to realize that her husband, Anthony, wasn't breathing right. She and her son, Lawrence, performed CPR until the paramedics arrived, where first responders used a defibrillator before rushing him to Kettering Medical Center.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Things Commonly Mistaken For UFO's

This post is really just a companion to this post. Plus, this is useful information for anyone who believes they have spotted a UFO.

Mysterious UFO Over Kentucky Identified

On October 16, 2012, a UFO was spotted in the skies over Pike County, Ky. Allen Epling, amateur astronomer, described it as looking "like two fluorescent bulbs, side by side, parallel, shining very brightly."

"It would get so bright they would seem to merge, and you could see it very clearly with the naked eye," Epling said. "Then, it would dim down almost invisible ... It wasn't anything I recognized. Definitely not an airplane, and I've never seen a helicopter that looked like that."

Epling wasn't the only one to see it. People in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia all reported seeing the object. Calls were made to local airports, but no one could give an explanation.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another Strange Carcass From The Ocean

The first one washed up on the shore of Nassau. The second was found floating in the Persian Gulf. The newest washed up on the beach in Villaricos, Spain. Though this one looks a little different from the others.

Friday, August 16, 2013

CIA Acknowledges The Existence Of Area 51

We all knew it was there. They knew that we knew it was there. We knew that they knew....... You get the point.

It seems that after years of ignoring the area 90 miles north of Las Vegas, the government still isn't really talking about it, but they aren't pretending it doesn't exist anymore. I think that may be a step in the right direction.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Strange Carcass Found In Persian Gulf

I know I'm a little late on this one, but it's still pretty cool. I picked this story up from The Black Vault where there are some good (and not so good) theories bouncing around the comments. July 11, 2013 a supply vessel in the Persian Gulf happened across this..

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Promo 1 of The Big Three Promos... UFO's

Hey guys. While I've been tirelessly working on getting the podcast up and running (with only minimal xbox breaks), I recorded this promo. The plan is to create three promos, one for each of (what I call) The Big Three.

Promo 1 is UFO's and ET's.
Promo 2 will deal with ghosts and hauntings.
Promo 3 will deal with cryptids.

I know that 'paranormal' means so much more than what these promos will cover, and I promise I'll cover the whole spectrum, but these are just (I hope) attention grabbers.

I'm sending out emails for interviews and trying to track down a possible special guest.
I'm also still accepting submissions as well. If you have an experience to share, or even questions or suggestions, you can find the correct link on the left side of the page.

You'll find a flash player below along with a link to the mp3. Please share this promo and help get the word out.

Thanks for listening

Download the mp3

Saturday, August 10, 2013

UFO Over a Pool in Florida?

Surveillance footage of a condo pool in Naples, Fl has had people scratching their heads this week. A security guard was going over the surveillance footage when she noticed a strange light over the pool. The web shaped light appeared to make a funnel into the water. The whole incident lasted about 30 minutes, and the footage has been sent to MUFON to be analyzed.

News report here.

Got a similar story? We'd love to here it and possibly use it on an upcoming podcast. Just click the submit link on the left side of the page or click  here.


Perseid Fireballs

Just a heads up for any stargazers out there. The Perseid Meteor Shower is this weekend Aug 10 - Aug 13, and will be visible all over the world. So get out there tonight and get as many pictures as you can and if you get anything extra special, we'd like to see them.

All the science goodness can be found here.


Angel Priest Helps Car Crash Victim...

Do you believe in angels? A Missouri woman and the rescue workers that struggled to save her life do after a priest appeared out of nowhere and prayed with them.
The rest of the story and a video after the jump..

Thursday, August 8, 2013

We're Back... And With Big Plans

Wow! It's been three years since I've touched this site. I suppose an explanation is in order. Where have I been? Was I abducted by aliens? Taken by some covert government agency for reprogramming? Am I now a mindless drone being manipulated to spread disinformation?

The short answer is no. The longer answer is life.

I've spent the last three years working two jobs and squeezing in family time where I could. After all that time with my nose firmly pressed to the grind stone, I've gotten back into a position where I can pick up where I left off with the things I love to do.

So now that I'm back, what do I plan to do?
I'm so glad you asked. Firstly, I plan to post regularly to this blog again. So be on the look out for some weird news right here.

Secondly, and this is the big one, I'm putting together a podcast. That's right. You'll now get to here me discussing (blabbering) a range of topics from all over the paranormal spectrum. The idea is still in it's infancy, but I've got some big ideas like interviews and some on location stuff.

Now I'd like to ask a favor from you. I'd like this podcast to encourage listener participation. If you have had any encounter of any kind, UFOs, ghosts, strange creatures, alternate consciousness, etc I'd like to feature it in the first few episodes.

You can find a submission form here. You can also find a link to the form on the left side of the page. I hope you'll join me in making this something fun and exciting.

I'm excited to get this started, so check back often for updates.
