Thursday, November 18, 2010

UFO Contactee: Better Than NASA?

  Can a man contacted by extraterrestrials have specific information before NASA even discovers it? Today the answer appears to be maybe.
Let me introduce you to this man:

  Billy Meier, born in 1937, citizen of Switzerland, and claims to have regular contact with extraterrestrials. Meier's contact first began in 1942 when he was just five years old, and continued until 1964. In 1975 the ET contacts resumed, this time accompanied with photographic evidence of crafts and transcripts of conversations. During these discussions he was given information on topics ranging from human history, spirituality, science, environmental dangers, and World War 3.

  Recently NASA discovered that the Earth may have helped shape the moon, but 23 years ago Billy Meier said the same thing. However, Billy has had some trouble in the past with the truth. Disbelievers have set out to prove that he is a fake, and they make a pretty good case. Everyone ranging from photography experts to Billy's own ex-wife is calling this guy a fake, saying that he manufactured the images and in some cases took them straight from movies or books.

  The new discovery by NASA and the information imparted by Quetzal, one of Billy's ET contacts, have some striking similarities that make you want to believe even if you know you probably shouldn't.

  More information can be found on Billy's other predictions at The Fly.

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