Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Return + Denver's Initiative 300

  So after various breakdowns (equipment, money, time, sanity) the What's Out There Show has returned, albeit in blog form for the time being. I want to say that I was off doing exciting things, digging up new info, and finding new subjects to make videos about. However, none of those things are true so I won't say them. What I will tell you is that I became very wrapped up in the mid-term elections this year, and spent more time on that than can be good for you. Now while I was mesmerized by tea parties and scandals and such, I came across this beauty and (obviously) thought of the show.

 If you're familiar with anything UFO, ET, or conspiracy related, then you know about Denver, CO and their airport, if not click here and get caught up real quick, I'll wait..... This isn't actually about the airport, but you can see that it is believed that Denver has some shady stuff happening already. So when I heard about Initiative 300 I wasn't surprised, well, I wasn't as surprised as others.

  In a nut shell the initiative states that the government has known about the presence of extraterrestrial beings and has withheld advanced extraterrestrial technologies.
  What the initiative aimed to do was gather (accurate) information about extraterrestrial beings, present it to the city government and residents. Assist residents and visitors with reporting sightings. Develop protocols for peaceful interaction in the event of contact.
  The commission was to be funded by a combination of grants, gifts, and donations, with the first item on the "Powers and Duties" section being to solicit and accept gifts, grants and donations.
     Click to read the full initiative.

  Of course the initiative was voted down (with some chuckling coming from the polling booths I'm sure). With the research that most voters do I would venture to guess that the first time many of Denver's voters had even heard about Initiative 300 was when they saw the ballot title.

"Shall the voters for the City and County of Denver adopt an Initiated Ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts and donations?" Yes___ No___

How would you vote?

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