Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Movies And A Trip To The Past

  The new movie Skyline was released on Friday and from what I hear so far, the reviews are mixed. If you're not familiar with the movie, have a look at the trailer.

While I haven't heard too many good things about it yet, I do look forward to seeing it soon. It's not the extra terrestrial invasion hook that made me interested in this one, it's that this movie seems to echo the warnings of Dr. Steven Hawking from earlier this year. Now I make it no secret that I disagree with Dr. Hawking on his ideas of what a sentient and intelligent being would want from us, his statements did get many other scientists openly talking about the idea of intelligent extra terrestrial life. I respect Dr. Hawking (not only) for bringing the subject into an area where it is at least a semi safe subject for research and discussion. It is because of how close this movie seems to draw on Dr. Hawking's words that warrants a viewing no matter how bad it may be.
  If you aren't familiar with what Dr. Hawking said, you can check out the video below

  Now the real reason I feel all bloggy today is the movie that I am most geeked to see. Besides just looking cool, it was inspired by an actual incident that I'm going to tell you all about....but first here's a trailer

  Some of you may already know of The 1942 Battle of Los Angeles, those people are excused to quietly talk amongst themselves. After watching the trailer you may wonder why no one ever told you about the time that L.A. was attacked by aliens. The short answer: it never was. The movie seems to take the actual event and (in true Hollywood fashion) "reimagine" it until it's something completely different.

  Early morning February 25th, 1942, just a couple months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the incoming craft sirens sounded throughout the Los Angeles area. Of course people were expecting to see Japanese fighter planes but instead a large UFO hovered in the sky. Within minutes the sky was filled with search lights which focused on the craft, fighter planes were sent to engage the craft and, soon anti aircraft fire would follow. The UFO only hovered, taking multiple hits and recieving no damage before disappearing over Long Beach.
  This incident is maybe one of the best known cases in UFO history, but got far less press than it should have even though it has better photographic evidence than any other I've seen.

There are many eye witness accounts, and much more info on The Battle of Los Angeles. Try here or here to get started.

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